Sunday, March 18, 2012

Ninja Gaiden 3 (or: "Thanks for Nothing, Hayashi.")

Ninja's note: you will find that I'm not typically one to revisit or edit my posts at all.  However, upon reviewing this post, my dear wife Amydroid informed me that - thanks to the Patriot Act - every single word in the original post could actually be considered an act of terrorism.

Let me some it up for you in as non-threatening of a way as I can:

1. Ninja Gaiden 3 sucks.
2. It would be rad if something bad happened to Hayashi.
3. Hayashi ruined my hope for a better tomorrow (a better tomorrow for me, I mean).
4. I don't like Hayashi very much.
5. If something bad were to happen to Hayashi, I would actually clap my hands a little bit.

FUCK.  YOU HAVE RUINED EVERYTHING, Hayashi.  FUCK YOU, KISS MY BALLS.  This is how bad you suck: Japanese people used to be my favorite kind of Asian.  Now?

Fuck it: bring on the Koreans.

You are an epic piece of shit, Hayashi.  FUCK.  Now what do I do???


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